Greetings from HEP in glorious McDowell County, Lori here with your monthly installment of What’s Up With The Weather. Seriously, this is four season country but do they have to happen all on the same day every day? It’s not good when you can get frost bite and a sunburn at the same time all week.
Since our last blog, we did manage to get some things accomplished. We got our report in on time! Yay us! We made our fertilizer pick up in Williamson with out getting pulled over for driving a truck with dead tags and sticker. It was great.
We have been burning up the phone making sure our participants are prepared to attend the next scheduled classes and meetings. We have inventoried our on hand supplies and are getting the ones we still need.
We are looking forward to going to our regional meeting in Charleston tomorrow even though we are once again under a flash flood watch.
The way it is shaping up, we are going to have to plant underwater this year, we may have to take up donations for diving equipment and possibly some ice removal tools once the water freezes over when the rain stops and the snow begins.
Instead of April Showers Bring May Flowers, it should be April Showers Bring Snow Plowers. The dandelions are thriving though, so there is that.
We did get a little good news, It won’t be as hard to get the tomato and peppers plants this year as it was last year. Just keeping them alive long enough to put them in the ground may be a challenge, but we got this.
We did manage to get a few of the local garden spots plowed/tilled, which is wonderful, and our supplies are coming in on schedule. We are one step closer to a good year!
It’s thundering and raining pretty hard right now so we wish you good weather and happy gardening before the power goes out again.
To those attending the regional meeting tomorrow, drive safely and we will see you there.
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