Bea Sias, Logan County
Step by Step
The Farmers and Garden Growers in Logan and surrounding counties, have the garden fever to get their gardens ready to put all those seeds and plants in the ground or whatever they use to have a garden. I do have a few new Gardeners this year along with several gardeners who have been with Grow Appalachia since the Program started.
I do have a variety of gardeners, who are going to participate. We have Retired Teachers, Single Moms, Schools, Widows/Widowers, Ministers, Young Adults, and, this year. We have the after school Story hour at the Library, that is new to me, but the Librarian, Elizabeth Tackett, helped them have a small garden last year during summer and the garden really did quite well. So, with Ms. Tackett’s help again this year they are going to have a large Raised bed to plant all their Veggies in.
While I am trying to get everyone ready to garden, I have another project in the works. The town of Man, will be celebrating this small town’s 100th Birthday, the week of July 21, 2018. I have been attending the town council meeting, per, the invitation from the Mayor. Since no one has a produce place in town, I am trying to get our Gardeners to attend the Bash, and sell their produce.
The gardens will be in full production with all the nice and good vegetables that people like to eat, can or freeze, the produce should be plentiful. The people who are involved with the Gala Event are very excited about the Farmer’s Market. I am hoping this event will work out for us and that the Gardeners who sell their produce, can continue to sell to people who do not have gardens.
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