Bea Sias, Step by Step, Logan West Virginia
The 2017 Gardening Season will soon be a thing of the past. What I mean by that, mostly everything left in the gardens are, greens, peppers, potatoes and a few crops that were either re-planted or are still producing.
I know myself in Logan and Man, we had a slow start, “Why”? you ask.
Because I fell in my house, broke my shoulder and rotary cuff, in fact I shattered both. After surgery, therapy, and healing and I had endured the whole nine yards of shoulder replacement. Thank God for Buck West. He is a great gardener, was raised by garden growing parents. He was raised to help in the gardens and he still grows 2 or 3 large gardens and gives them to older farmers who are not able to work. He and I worked together in 2016, he volunteered to help me with workshops, run errands, and he gave the new gardeners help. He knew what had to be done. So he came in very handy to me.
Not only did I have an injury, so did Marcelle, she had a small accident that kept her out of service. So we had to help each other, and Buck was a great asset to our programs. We had to help our gardeners have good season. But after all this we got our priorities in line, and started working with people so they could have good gardens.
Our gardeners work tirelessly in their gardens. They depend on a garden to help them throughout the winter months. They can, freeze and do whatever they can to preserve the food. Then the next garden season they start over. The resources we get people really helps as many cannot buy all it takes to plant and preserve produce from a garden. And, what they grow is used not wasted.
Hopefully, I can get all my gardens this year to sign up in January for the next season.
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