Things are going great in the Grow Breathitt County Program. This month, I decided to talk to one of our participants, Ida Bush, to see how she likes the program and also to see how her garden has been doing this year. Here’s what she had to say.
“I love Grow Breathitt County. My garden did great with what they gave me. I bought a lot of stuff for my garden. My beans were given to me from the Library. I got about five 5 gallons buckets of beans from them and my sister gave me some fall beans. I gave about five 5 gal buckets away and I canned 6 quarts of them with my new canner that Grow Breathitt County gave me. I had a canner but it was old. I canned 18 quarts tomatoes juice, 7 pints of sweet pickle relish, and put 14 quarts of corn in the freezer. Some of the beans were tough so I shelled them out and canned them as soup beans. My cucumbers are still blooming and so are my squash. My cabbage did good. My late cabbage is growing great and my bell peppers are still going strong. Banana peppers didn’t do too good. I can’t wait for next year”
Participants continue to post awesome pictures of what they are growing and preparing to put up.
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