Bea Sias
Step by Step, Logan West Virginia
In August, our workshop was a little different, but we still did discuss our topic Winter Gardening. As each person came in to the workshop, I ask them to take a number from a little bowl. I had also made a second batch of the numbers for me to choose from. I had a little bell and as we proceeded with the workshop, about every five minutes I would ring the bell. I would take one number and tell the number and whomever had the matching number got to pick a gift from the table of gifts.
We had some very nice gifts donated to us, from local businesses and begging to different people, to show our appreciation to our gardeners. Some of the gifts consisted of Food Sealers, Canning Jars, Dehydrators, Jar Lids, and small Canners. But the business that we buy a few things from in the gardening season, gave me two gifts cards to give away. These cards were to be given to the two people whom I felt had put their whole heart and soul into this project. I chose two ladies, one from Logan and one from Man West Virginia. Both had produced and shared their harvest, attended workshops and volunteered when I needed a volunteer. These two gardeners had very beautiful gardens, even though one had raised beds and the other one planted in old wash tubs that used to have flowers in, she also planted around her yard by the fence. I had several superb gardeners that produced a lot of food that they canned, shared and took care of people that were not able to have their own garden. It wasn’t easy to choose two people to receive a gift card, when I feel that they are all outstanding. But I believe we did give everyone some type of gift and it pertained to gardening. Hopefully, next season we can pick up where we left off this season.
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