Bill and kids looking at the deer and turkeys out in the fields after working in the garden.

Youngins having an important gardening discussion.

A surprise visitor.

Bubble fun after planting fall garden and weeding peppers.

Working to take down bean netting and t posts.

Unloading t posts to store for winter.

We have planted some fall crops where we had our potatoes. We won’t be able to plant any fall things in the high tunnels or raised beds this fall because LMU is having us move that part of the garden to another area due to new construction they are doing. The nice thing for next year is though that all the beds and high tunnels will be on flatter ground nearer to our building. We’re still getting a good harvest off from our okra and peppers. With any luck with the rain today and cooler weather our fall crops will do well and our tomatoes will put out another flush of fruit too. The pumpkin and squash field is growing well so we are hoping for a good yield from it. The summer has flown by and here we are in September. Wow!
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