There is so much going on here in Wolfe County it is hard to sit down and write a blog! As I do garden visits, I’ve been seeing many farms doing their first hay cutting of the year. There may be some records on amount of cuttings in a year.
We tilled a few weeks ago, but this goes to show that if you don’t mulch, you gotta work that hoe! This little man was quite the helper as we re-prepared Jenn’s garden for summer planting.
Kalyn has her raised beds all primed and ready. She had some volunteer lettuce come up that she says is delicious! Her tomatoes are planted and looking happy. Last year she converted the unused sandbox into an herb garden. It is thriving with very little effort. Go Kalyn!
Families often live very close to one another. This family has three separate plots all next door to one another and they are enjoying their first year in the Grow Appalachia program. They are using floating row cover on their cabbages and growing radishes and beets for the first time. Stacy and her kiddoes will be participating in the chicken portion of our program this year. She got so excited she already built one little chicken tractor!
I love good helpers in the garden!
We finished building the raised beds at Dessie Scott school. They will be used as a classroom garden for the handicap boys at the school who can’t easily participate in the big garden across the street. The boys and the teachers are all excited to plant, grow, learn, and eat from their own garden!
Stacy and I bermed a bed and were ready to go to bed! I haven’t seen it completed yet, but she tells me that she finished the other two beds and started planting her summer garden. Rock and roll, Stacy!
One of the four beds at the Methodist Housing Community Gardens has been feeding families lovely spring crops. Salads and onions- yum yum. The other beds are recently planted with their summer goodies.
Our most recent class on cover crops. Almost every Wolfe GA family made it plus several other interested folks in the community. All our GA families got tomatoes from one of our GA families, peppers, and some donated herbs from a friendly GA volunteer. They also received the generous Mauro Seed donation. We even had some dry days following the meeting so people could plant. Oh, and late last week our sweet potato slips arrived with another break in the rain. I’m thrilled to see so many families excited to grow sweet taters.
Now I can finally head out to that garden visit! Laura, out.
Good job Wolfe!!!