-Bea Sias
-Step by Step, Logan County
The season is off and running. Workshops are being attended by almost all the people who signed up to garden.
New Gardeners are learning and very eager to do so. I noticed they are taking notes in the workshops, researching different things on the computer. A few of the Gardeners have to work some of the time during workshops, but they come in the office or call me to check on the topic we discussed, and if it is a new idea, I go over this with them and also the workshops.
There was a couple who did not know what fertilizer was; they soon found out when we gave them a nice big bag of organic chicken poop fertilizer :o) I noticed in the last workshop, that the younger gardeners were asking the older gardeners questions about planting. By that, I know they are interested in gardening. Our workshop lasted until 6:00 and I believe they would have stayed and asked more questions.
Some gardeners have lettuce and onions big enough to eat. One lady said her potatoes were up and it wasn’t long ago that she planted them. I myself, think it is too early to put anything in the ground yet like tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables that a light frost could kill. I would rather wait until it is safe to plant. It is too hard to garden to have a little frost kill your plants. You will have plenty to do this summer.
We are working with the Extension Agent for hands on Healthy Cooking and Canning Workshop. She has helped us a lot and the new gardeners really like this. I have this scheduled for May. As the Old Farmer’s Almanac says, “Do not put Plants in the ground until after Mother’s Day”.
Happy Gardening.
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