Happy New Year Grow Appalachia Friends and Followers!
Like many of our partner sites across the Grow Appalachia region, OTR People’s Garden, located in Cincinnati, Ohio, is busy planning for the 2017 planting and selling season. Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden just hosted our first of the year meeting, where we reviewed our garden plot map, addressed housekeeping agenda items, and brainstormed recruiting ideas to encourage even more neighborhood families to garden with us this summer.
Fun fact! During our meeting a little piece of history came out of a box in the basement of the Civic Garden Center, a photo of the community members who first founded Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden! This photo was taken when the garden first took shape in the early 80’s. Originally the garden was named Glad Community Garden until a name change years later. Pretty amazing! Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden is currently the oldest community garden in Cincinnati, OH.
Some of the most exciting pieces of news we addressed at our meeting is something the community and gardeners have been wanting for some time…… a fence upgrade! The Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati is working with Keep Cincinnati Beautiful to spruce up both fence entrances to our city garden. Addressing our fence issues will help our urban garden by keeping unwanted trash out and will will make it easier to open and close. In addition, we are keeping our fingers crossed until we find out if we will earn a summer grant that will allow for a cooking and growing program, along with an awesome children’s program which would be held once a month in our garden during the summer! More garden highlights and happenings will be announced via our monthly blog posted on the 25th of each month. Stay warm out there friends, spring will be here soon!
PS: Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden is accepting new gardeners this year. If you are interested in learning more about our garden and programs please contact Coordinator- Christina via email:chowarth83@gmail.com
“I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape — the loneliness of it, the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn’t show.” ~Andrew Wyeth
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