-Bea Sias
LEAD, Logan County
West Virginia
Happy New Year to all. As of today (1-16-17), it is a nice warm day, and the temperatures are in the 60’s; as the old saying goes, “It’s the calm before the storm.” We had one snow in December and one recently that weren’t too bad.
Grow Appalachia in Logan WV and Big Ugly had a great year last year. Despite a few mini set-backs. Hopefully this year, if we have just the right amount of rain, no floods, and the weather is not too hot, (I’m dreaming), we will have a good year. The hard work last summer paid off this winter, making soup, chili, and all that good food with fresh vegetables.
It will soon be time to start getting your ground tilled, and all the other chores that need to be done to get your garden ready for planting: planning what you will grow where, and how much, etc.
In December I started taking applications for gardens. for both Logan and Big Ugly, and already have several applications. It looks like it might be a “Busy Bea” summer. but with partners like our gardeners, we will do just fine.
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