Lily and her pumpkin roll. Blue pot of Punjabi mustard greens. Blue bowl of fresh salad from the garden. Green tomato cake in loaf pan.
Oh my it’s December 1st – how the year has flown. The drought continued until tues and wednesday when we got a few inches of rain. THANK GOODNESS!!!!!!! It was getting pretty scary it was so dry. It’s also nice because we won’t have to water almost every day. We were lucky to have water to keep our fall and winter crops going. Of course we couldn’t water the fields with the cover crops and they are really pitiful. It will be interesting to see if they grow now that we finally have some rain. I fear it’s too close to the shortest day of the year for them to do much now. We are mostly done for this year except for tending the fall/winter crops and eating them. Bill is going to lime the fields according to the advice of the soil sample results we got last week in a day or two. We hope everyone has very happy holidays and we will see you next year. Ha and the 1st seed catalog came this week Johnny’s.
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