Though I can’t find a direct source, I heard we had the hottest week recorded by Jackson, KY a couple weeks ago (the week I was supposed to write a blog, but the heat must have fried my mind). Lots of things have happened here in Wolfe since I last blogged. We had our Heart Healthy cooking class near the end of September where folks received last minute fall seeds and cover crop seed mix containing hairy vetch, winter rye and tillage radish.
Even with all these warm temperatures, we had a frost and you know what that means: sweet potato harvest! How about a wheelbarrow full?
Before digging (after cutting off the vines that had just started to blacken from the frost)
After a few hours of digging and turning
Large muscles after harvest
What’s in your fall garden? This is my garden which still is producing tomatoes and peppers, herbs, marigolds, nasturtiums, as well as turnips, beets, cabbage, broccoli, mustard, kale, lettuce, radish, arugula, pak choi, swiss chard, and cover crops… what am I forgetting? You see all the white on the right of the picture where I have laid cardboard to kill the sod and will add a new lasagna layered row to plant next spring.
I done got our Wolfe County Extension office demonstration garden prepared. I will plant garlic on election day which, around here, folks proclaim as the time to get it in. This garlic will be used for our GA participants as seed garlic next year as well as for sale at market so long as it all goes as planned.
So sweet next to the 4-H barn quilts. We will put in a rain barrel on the corner of the building to show how to catch and use rainwater to irrigate.
We had our end of season celebration with our Grow Appalachia participants. It was a wonderful gathering of participants as well as folks that came to meetings or volunteered throughout the season. Everyone brought a dish to share- mostly from the garden! There were plenty of garden stories and tips to swap and even a 2 week old baby to meet! I was so wrapped up in the celebration I forgot to get everyone together for a picture! Anther participant got some photos, so hopefully I can get those posted soon.
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