Henry is from Noblesville, Indiana. He is a sophomore at Berea College, and while currently undecided about his major, he is leaning toward a degree in Sociology or Child and Family Studies with a concentration in Food and Nutrition. With his Hawaiian shirts, ukulele, and charming personality he brings swag and pizazz to the team. He enjoys baking, hiking, music, and pretty much anything that doesn’t require a lot of physical exertion.
Jodi is from Elkhorn City, Kentucky. She is a junior at Berea College studying Agriculture and Natural Resources and Women and Gender Studies. She lives in the Ecovillage with her husband and adorable two year old daughter. She brings such a terrific energy to the team with her leadership, genuine enthusiasm, and passion for working with kids. She enjoys Danish gymnastics, gardening, riding her bike, poetry, and spending time with her family.
Jennifer is from Albany, Kentucky. She is an Elementary Education major at Berea College. She brings a lot of creative energy to the team, is great with children, and is the kind of person who will get down on the ground and allow kids to wrap her up in a big old parachute. She enjoys reading, finding and doing crazy fun crafts from Pintrest, cooking, and would love to someday participate in mission trips overseas that relate to education.
Cody is from Garrett, Kentucky. He is a senior Education Studies major at Berea College. His charisma and passion for working with teens make him a valuable asset to the team. He is fantastic at organizing Humans vs. Zombies games and is a force to be reckoned with on the field. He enjoys reading manga, LARPING (live action role playing), playing yugioh, singing karaoke with friends, and playing Minecraft.
Eunice was born in Tlacolula de Matamoros, Oaxaca, Mexico, but grew up in East Tennessee. She plans to major in Agriculture and Natural Resources and minor in Resource Management and/or Asian Studies. She is really good at making origami fortune tellers, has a delightfully sarcastic sense of humor, and she may be short but she is STRONG! She enjoys hiking, obsessing over plants, drinking excessive amounts of coffee, watching random documentaries on Netflix, or sitting in trees.
Megan is from Mount Washington, KY. She is a junior at Berea College majoring in Family Studies with a double concentration in Family Studies and Nutrition and Food Studies, and a minor in Peace and Social Justice. She aspires to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). She is smart, reliable and highly capable, but as you can see from this picture she definitely knows how to have fun! She enjoys reading, cooking, and playing World of Warcraft!
Alondra was born in Degollado, Jalisco, Mexico, but grew up in Oak Ridge, TN. She is an Agriculture and Natural Resources major and a Sustainability and Environmental and Peace and Social Justice Minor. She provides a laidback and calming presence to the team that endears her to everybody and she can even make awesome doll sized bench out of popsicle sticks. She loves reading, attending concerts, and sleeping.
Katey is from Linville Falls, North Carolina. She is a student at Berea College majoring in Psychology and minoring in Child and Family Studies. She is 100% dependable, makes adorable paper-cut out flowers and vegetables, and has the most contagious smiles of all time! She loves to travel, play with her dogs, hike, read, and gets way too invested in her favorite TV shows.
Aja is from Winchester, KY. She graduated from Berea College in 2016 with a Bachelors in Agriculture and Natural Resources. She is the kind of person who gets stuff done! She is organized, motivated, and still finds time to make construction paper police man hats for stuffed animal dogs and cats. She is a certified yoga instructor, enjoys reading, and could be found the summer performing on weekends at the Renaissance Fair!
Heather is from Cedar City, Utah. She graduated from Berea College in 2016 with a Bachelors in Sociology. She can often be found snapping pictures and concocting hair-brained schemes and activities to incorporate in the program. She loves to do jigsaw puzzles while listening to audiobooks, write and illustrate stories, and read picture boos/graphic novels to her 5 year old son.
You all are great!! 🙂