Did you know that American children on average spend over 7 hours of their free time each day in front of a screen? 7 hours!!! You could watch 3 full length movies in that time period! There is no doubt that kids are spending more and more time in front of their TV’s, ipads, and computers, and yet the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend that kids spend no more than 2 hours of screen time.
Limiting screen time for kids can be difficult in today’s world, but the Berea Summer Food Service Program is here to help. We offer a variety of fun and unique activities all week long to get kids and teens out of the house and away from the screens. Here is a quick list of things you can do with your kids this summer!
Sprouts Club at the Farmers Market
Every Saturday, rain or shine, there is something new and exciting going on under the Sprouts Club Canopy at the Berea Farmers Market from 10:00-12:00. Each week we prepare a fun activity or craft for kids and those who participate earn $2 tokens to spend at the Market! The activities are quick and easy (it usually takes no more than 10 minutes to complete), but often the children choose to linger, sometimes even for the full two hours, to play with the staff and other children. There is live music, free meals from the Summer Food Service Program, and just an overall positive atmosphere that makes this a terrific family experience.
Field Trips to the Berea College Aquaponics Facility
Becca Halpryn, who works as an ecological machine operator at the Aquaponics Unit, generously volunteered to give weekly tours, every Thursday at 12:00. She meets the kids at Jefferson Memorial Park and leads them over to the Aquaponics Facility where she explains what they do, lets the kids feed the fish, and then sends everyone home with FREE samples of fresh basil and mint! The kids love this activity (especially the part where they get to feed the fish.)
Humans Vs. Zombies (HvZ)
This is essentially an elaborate game of tag simulating a zombie apocalypse. It’s especially popular game among teens and young adults. Our HvZ coordinator, Cody Case, organized an epic game last week with the Upward Bound students and it was a huge success! He will be hosting our opening game with the Summer Food Service Program on Friday July 15 from 2:00-4:00. Adults are more than welcome to participate in this as well! It is going to be a terrific event. We will keep everyone posted on future dates and times for HvZ games.
These are just a few examples of the opportunities we offer to keep the kids and teens of Berea. If you would like to learn more about the services we provide then like us on Facebook for more updates and information. https://www.facebook.com/Berea-Summer-Food-Service-Program-542048865956483/
Thank you!
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