Hello Grow Appalachia!
May is here and Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden is looking beautiful and full of gardeners! We have so many new community members who want to garden with us so we are creating new spaces along the buildings surrounding our urban partner site. This new garden space will be shared between two new families this summer.
“April showers bring May flowers.” We’ve all heard this rhyme at some point and it is so true! Check out some of our grogeous garden blossoms. If you look closely in one of the pictures you will see our friend- the honeybee:)
Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden was also featured this month in Lead Cincinnati Magazine! To read the article check out this link: http://www.leadcincinnati.com/Over-the-Rhine-Peoples-Garden/
The garden is off to such an incredible start this season thanks to several volunteer groups and a local Paul Mitchell focus salon, Jim Brofft Salon. Many of his stylists are Paul Mitchell the School Cincinnati graduates and were members of the student club, Green Team. It has been so wonderful to see alumni stay involved with the Grow Appalachia program. Especially because they are now involving their salon family in this great movement. Stylist Stephanie spent the morning learning how to prepare a raised bed and plant spinach seeds. Thank you!
Another exciting event was Grow Appalachia’s Regional Meeting! Partner Sites connected to discuss an array of topics to help make this year the best yet! Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden enjoyed spending time visiting our ASPI partner site in Kentucky. Paul Mitchell the School Lexington’s Admissions Leader, Ashlee, joined in on the fun to see how their school can build a relationship with Grow Appalachia. We predict many free haircuts for gardeners in the near future.
Finally, Paul Mitchell the School Cincinnati’s Grow Appalachia inspired FUNraisier is still proving to be a big success. Check out this edible arrangement filled with lettuce greens, peppermint and flowers. This planter was made from a doll head students train on, once the hair is gone the heads are usually tossed into our local landfill. Don’t you just love our recycled product?
We will be back soon with more updates! Peace and Love, Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden
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