Last Saturday, May 14th, we held our first Sprouts Club at the Berea Farmer’s Market. Two of our staff from the Summer Food Service Program, Katey and Jennifer, helped coordinate the activity and it was a great success!
Our activity this month involved planting seeds, and creating a paper collage flower gardens. Despite the cold and the rain, there was a decent turnout! The Farmers Market was generous enough to provide a tent to keep us dry and even gave our staff some fresh strawberries to keep us happy. We had about 13 kids come through our booth and participate. Most all of them were between 2 and 6 years old. They each were encouraged to sort through a selection of seed packets to choose which plant they wanted to grow. Then they filled little toilet paper roll containers with soil and planted the seed to take home.
The kids seemed particularly interested in our additional activity, paper collage gardens. We provided various paper shapes (cut out by Katey and Jennifer earlier in the week) and glue sticks, and then just stepped back and let the kids go to work! I was delighted and impressed by the many creative approaches to this activity.
Great work ladies! 🙂