Hello Grow Appalachia Family and Followers,
Happy Spring!! Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden is SO excited for our third year with Grow Appalachia. New plans for our partner site this year include selling produce at two local Farmers Markets. Along with training local restaurant owners of Buona Terra how to grow all the produce they need for their delicious crapes and gelato. All around we are excited for the year ahead, can’t you tell?!?
In the month of March we have had several work days to prepare the garden space for spring planting. We would like to thank the Outdoor Adventure Club who came to the garden a few Saturdays ago to give us many helping hands. You all are amazing and we are so grateful for the help!! See what we accomplished together:)
Another FUN event this month was the Seed Sharing Potluck with the Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati. All coordinators operating Community Gardens in the Greater Cincinnati area were invited to enjoy yummy food, connect with one another and discuss ideas for another successful growing season. To finish out the evening we were invited to shop for Organic, GMO Free Seeds!! We had a blast!! Check it out:
Scheduled for next week is a class our Community Garden Coordinator Ali. She will be teaching about Fabulous Containers: Edible and Ornamental. Are you interested in gardening but lack a back yeard? There are plenty of plants you can grow in containers.. on a roof, balcony, stoop or even indoors. Learn the basics with Ali next week March 29th, 6:00-8:00PM at the Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati. Cost $15
See you next month!!
Peace, Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden
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