Greetings from Lori and crew here in snow encased McDowell County, West Virginia. We may be covered in snow right now but it can’t last forever…right? Next is rain, then more snow, a possible a little flooding thrown in to keep us on our toes. Oh yeah the weekend will be in the 60’s.
Since last time you heard from us, Walmart did close. We took advantage of there 75% off sale and thanks to a generous monetary donation we bought every case of canning jars they had left, the last two canners, and a bunch of rings, lids and other canning supplies. It was over $1,700.00 worth of stuff for about $450.00.
We had some of our eggs hatch! Pictured above is our first, we had 9 hatch but 3 didn’t survive. In another week or so we are going to incubate some more.
Our participant count is now up to 38 and possibly 5 more once they make up their minds.
We are going to start some seeds this week, I personally purchased some grow lights because with the number of plants we are wanting to start, we just don’t have enough windows at the center. And we may have less loss once they go into the green house. We are not wanting to purchase plants if we don’t have to.
We’ve just been doing a lot of brainstorming and planning to make our 3rd year Awesome. We know it will be, we just need to talk Mother Nature into being a little more cooperative this year, starting now would be good. We can’t wait to get people in the dirt that we know is somewhere under the snow.
The count down to the All Hands gathering has started, and we are so looking forward to that. Both previous years we attended we had to come down in some nasty weather, we are hoping for better this year.
Stay warm, safe and dry. See you soon.
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