I write often of the weather here in Linwood, primarily because (for most of the people in this area) our entire livelihood depends on it. Last month it seemed that winter was just around the corner, even though it was unseasonably warm. This month it is still nowhere to be found. Locals have been labeling the weather as “summer”…definitely NOT a good thing. Snowshoe Mountain is not open and I have heard stories of resort employees not being able to afford food. It’s challenging to be powerless over your income. One thing that we are not powerless over is finding a way to feed everyone in the area, especially with the bounty that our home gardens and the Linwood Community Garden provided this year. Unbelievably, we harvested carrots a few days ago from the community garden, and the Linwood Community Daycare children were lucky enough to be able to eat them. It’s a perfect example of why the Grow Appalachia program is so impactful and important. Living in a place where healthy, nutritious food is scarce brings a whole new and deeper appreciation for organic, locally grown produce.
See? Here’s proof! (And there were more to come!)
We are already thinking of and gearing up for the end of winter (if it ever gets to be winter), with thoughts on donating more of the food we grow and providing food for those in need, whether fresh or canned. My belief is that no one within a Grow Appalachia site should go hungry, especially during a time when natural food is both scarce and unaffordable. Until we make this happen, it warms my heart to know that at least the children in the area are eating well, thanks to Grow Appalachia!
In peace and gratitude,
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