Until Thanksgiving week we kept meeting on Mondays and cooking together with produce from the garden. We had soooo much fun with that. Some of the favorites were Acorn Squash with Sage and Ricotta, Punjabi Mustard greens, and Rice with Spinach and Pistachio’s. One night we cut up masses of pumpkins and pureed them for Pumpkin Pie and what not. Everyone went home with baggies of pumpkin for their freezers.
We pretty much finished putting the garden to bed for the winter. All though you can see from the photo’s we still have cold crops in the greenhouse, high tunnels and outside raised beds. The tomatoes in the high tunnels were done in by a heavy frost just before Thanksgiving.
Speaking of Thanksgiving I had a blast making my Sweet Potato Souffle with our purple and orange sweet Potatoes and amazing my Michigan family with the amazing color. They loved it and couldn’t believe the purple was only the sweet potatoes. Such fun!
We are probably done for this year although I might call in the troops to make dog biscuits out of the few potatoes and squash left for Christmas presents. It’s been a great year and I wish for all of us here a lovely holiday season to you all.
I couldn’t resist playing with Twas the Night before Christmas. I couldn’t get to far with changing it but had fun anyway. Maybe someone is able to add to it.
Twas the Month of Christmas
Twas the month of Christmas, when all through the garden
Not a creature was stirring, except for a mouse;
The gardens were covered with cover crops and leaves,
In hopes of protecting and nourishing them through winter;
The gardeners were nestled all snug in their homes,
While visions of next years gardens grew in their heads;
And we each in our homes, are thankful for what we’ve grown,
Are settling down for a long winter’s rest,
The gardeners all happy with their organic veggies,
Tucked into freezers and pantry’s and shelves,
grown by their own labor and preserved for winter,
while they look through seed catalogs dreaming of Spring.
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