Greetings on this gorgeous fall day from David, KY!
This past week St. Vincent Mission hosted their Fall Harvest Potluck, which was a wonderful success. Gathered were the GA partners with their families, local donors, and staff from SVM. It is said that “pictures speak a thousand words”. I hope these photos and words communicate our lived experience of gratitude and being community.
Peyton is our youngest gardener. Dressed in her fall finery she sits with her grandma and neighbor (both Grow Appalachia partners).
Dutzie is the elder of our GA family. No longer able to speak because of multiple strokes she glows around people and conversations about growing food. Look at that smile!
Everyone from the youngest to the oldest enjoyed our harvest feast which included: deer jerky, deer sausage, souse, ham, turkey with dressing, homemade bread and rolls, cabbage slaw, apple salad, baked sweet potatoes and sweet potato casserole, cooked kale, pasta salad, pumpkin pies, apple pie, and a plethora of other desserts. We have so much for which to be thankful!
Our guest speaker for the evening was Pastor Jerri Williams from the First United Methodist Church in Prestonsburg. She herself is an organic farmer and avid supporter of Sustainable Agriculture. For her organic gardening is not just “in fashion”, it is part of her theology. She spoke passionately about creation, gardening, the miracle of a seed, and getting back to growing food without chemicals like our ancestors. Her message was both inspiring and encouraging as she bade each of us to continue this journey of growing healthy food, so that all may be fed. Truly fed! Jerri had our undivided attention.
One of our many blessings in this region is our Floyd Co. Extension Agent, Keith Hackworth. We surprised him during this event with a distinguished service certificate and gift basket filled with fresh, canned and dried foods from our gardens.
This event reminded each of us how blessed we are,
and how grateful we are for all that is gift!
This is the heart of Thanksgiving!
On behalf of each of us at St. Vincent Mission…
Peace and all good!
Ann Marie Quinn
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