<img src="https://growappalachia.berea.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/004-300×225.jpg" alt=
So first I’ve just got to say my heart is about to burst compiling these pictures with so much joy in them. We’ve had so many special times together growing this food, preparing these vegetables and fruits to eat, learning and working together, getting to know each other better. It’s just my humble honor to be a part of this project and I’m awe of how much food we’ve grown..
When I look at the draft none of my captions/descriptions are there so briefly several are of cooking extravaganza’s we’ve been having the last 3 wks. Several are our Harvest party last week-potluck,games, hayride and pumpkin carving. There are a couple of our peanut and sweet potato harvest. The purple/orange casserole is my Sweet potato souffle made with my purple sweet potatoes and our Beauregard Sweet potatoes. The purple and orange in real life was simply amazing.
We have worked hard this last month harvesting then Bill tilling and putting in the cover crops. We planted our garlic. We’ve gone to the farmers market. We’ve given our excess to the local food bank. Our high tunnels are still pumping out tomatoes. Our fall greens are growing like crazy. We are hoping for a mild enough winter to keep growing greens all winter. Take Care All, Sue
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