It has been the craziest growing season I have ever experienced and I have been at it a long time. All the normal rules haven’t worked as the weather has been so crazy. If nothing else, we have all learned how to deal with adversity in growing. We are all a little better at dealing with drought and excess rain, sometimes in the same week and we have all learned to laugh a bit at our challenges in the garden.
As I have talked with many of our Grow Appalachia members we have decided we really like the Harmony fertilizer we used. We found lots of even fertility and it lasted the entire season.
Now on to replanting for the fall. Two members are trying low tunnels to extend their seasons and others are planting winter cover crops to prepare for next years growing. A few are finishing up harvesting apples just yesterday as we experienced our first killing frost last night.
It has been a wonderful and educational year and we look forward to continued success in growing for ourselves and our neighbors.
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