Posted by GreenHouse17
Every year we learn so much about growing vegetables and flowers. And so much more about growing this unique agricultural program that sprouted from a commitment to creating a safe, nourishing space for survivors of intimate partner abuse to heal. Today, as the rain falls and the temperatures drop, we’re looking back on the season with photographs and reflections from survivors who participated in our farm stipend project this year.
“As a group of diverse women we have dedicated our time and hearts to the garden, watching it flourish and thrive, leaving us filled with warmth, accomplishment and pride.”
“[It’s] given us a sense of purpose and provides a loving family atmosphere that most of us lack and genuinely need. We are the flowers that are seeded, grown and harvested.”
“Summer is winding down…I like to watch the beautiful butterflies and the smell the flowers. I learned how to harvest fresh tomatoes and how to start my own garden when I leave. The joy of learning new things; composting, dealing with frustrations that happen when tools or equipment fails.”
“I will miss the crisp air, the sounds of nature all around, the beautiful sunflowers that shine in all its glory. I give thanks to God for this opportunity and working together with great people.”
“I cut flowers, picked up the weeds, harvested veggies and fruits, and helped canned tomatoes from the garden. I didn’t realize how simple it is to can food. I am very thankful I had the chance to experience to use what I learned on my own kitchen.”
“It’s very peaceful and it’s giving me much needed time to just think.”
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