The crisp cool Autumn air has finally arrived in Cincinnati, Ohio! We are excited to share that we have harvested the last bit of our summer crops and began to prepare some of our beds for spring. Paul Mitchell the School Cincinnati’s Green Team members were back in action at the garden helping with many jobs but one big job was to re-establish a rock wall around our sour cherries and perennial bed. They had lots of fun planning and executing the job! The sense of accomplishment was written all over their faces. Check out some of the photos from this past month! Thank you for reading and we will be back next month with more news from Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden. – Garden Coordinator, Christina
Check out all the peaches our Garden Manager, Bashi, picked off our little peach tree!! A portion of the peaches were frozen to enjoy later this winter.
These two are Paul Mitchell Future Professionals and spent their first visit to the garden harvesting the last of the peppers and tomatoes from our community beds. When we returned to school one shared how they felt:
“I have never done anything like this before! To actually be in the garden and the community this food helps is a very good feeling. I am proud to be a Future Professional with Paul Mitchell the School Cincinnati and very happy my Green Team provides this as a way to give back. A large reason as to why I enrolled with Paul Mitchell was the opportunity to give back, this event was the icing on the cake!”– Future Professional- Megan Gately
These Green Team members spent the morning re-designing the rock wall that was destroyed when the water line was added to the garden. They were in charge of the design, building and decorating. Check out what they accomplished in one hour!
Bashi cleaning up one of the garden entrances. Thank you!!
We are also excited to annouce the beautiful new sign the Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati made for us! The sign is ordered and will be installed hopefully by our next blog! Stay tuned.
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