Katie Smith reporting from Scott County Grow Appalachia.
The Scott County Farmer’s Market opened during the fall of 2014 and has enjoyed a successful season so far for the 2015 season. Open Saturdays at 8 a.m., local farmers and Grow Appalachia participants can sell their excess produce, crafts and other items. With materials donated by Scott County Grow Appalachia and plants provided by various donors, volunteers recently installed six new raised garden beds outside of the Farmer’s Market Building.
With hopes to provide community gardening workshops during the Farmer’s Market next year, volunteers will lay the foundation this fall by planting a variety of fall crops and perennials such as rhubarb, herbs and blueberries. Harvest from the raised beds will be reinvested into the community through the Farmer’s Market and donations to various establishments and the Scott Christian Care Center’s food pantry.
The photos below capture our fearless leader, Lisa Cotton preparing the soil to lay in the raised beds. Helpers included residents from the Scott County Justice Center (also featured in a previous blog). Their help was greatly appreciated and reduced work time to about a quarter of what it normally would have taken. Not pictured is Elbie Blount, whose contributions included planning and execution.
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