Again this is a little hard to see but the corn planted on the left is Bill’s experiment with planting buckwheat in it a few weeks after we planted the corn. The corn did well and the buckwheat kept the weeds down really well. The corn on the right was planted about a month after the right rows with no buckwheat the weeds are terrible.
Cooked and ready to eat. Local sausage surrounded by our homegrown veggies. This was our best ever Hobo dinners. We were so amazed at the colors too.
So overall I think we’ve had a great year so far in spite of droughts and monsoons. Our tomatoes have been amazing and the high tunnels are still producing like mad. The bean beetles were horrid but we got a lot of beans before they did the plants in. Usually the vines survive then come on with another picking not this year. We will have to try something new next year. We started taking down the netting and posts last night to get the field ready for cover crops. Tomorrow Bill will turn the potato field and we will harvest the potatoes and follow with the cover crop there too. The corn is almost done, but we still have lots of peppers, okra, basil. We have cabbage and such started in the greenhouse for fall. In the next week we hope to get more fall stuff in the ground but it’s soooooo hot and dry it’s going to be a challenge.
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