Dear friends
Due to major flooding and subsequent power and phone and Internet outages we’ve had difficulty getting photos to upload and download on line. We’ll update this post with photos next week as we also reach out to our gardeners assess flood damage and try to work out a system of harvest sharing for those whose gardens were wiped out.
In the meantime here is some good news from our Logan chapter about the excitement about an upcoming marketing event.
This year the Logan County Chamber of Commerce will once again be having the Logan County Arts and Crafts on August 7th and 8th. The Chamber of Commerce called and invited the Grow Appalachia Gardens to bring their produce to the fair and have a farmer’s market.
We were immensely proud of our invitation and in addition they provided us a booth in which we paid no fee. Even though the program consists of publication through radio interviews, the local paper, Facebook, and through the word of mouth of our supporters. I personally thought this opportunity would help expose Grow Appalachia more to the public and for that we are very thankful.
The gardeners are very excited. As you may know: in our part of the state we give our garden vegetables to our families, friends and surrounding neighbors. I am trying to persuade them to donate the money to someone that needs it such as a church or charity.
Some gardens were planted late in the season and are now just starting to grow and bloom. Others, whom got out early- no matter what the weather was like- have super gardens. They have produced so much already it seems almost like it should be the end of the Garden Season. In addition to their success I also know the late bloomers will do well.
Our program will be having a family fun day and a farmer’s market. It should be a big event if I can get them to sell: what they sell is money in their pocket.
So far, this has been a wonderful season: new people and new friends.
We have had one canning class workshop on canning tomatoes and green beans. In August we are going to learn to freeze and dry vegetables.
One garden planted late still succeeded with two hot peppers and the owner sent me a picture to share their pride.
Lately, I spoke at the Rotary Organization in Logan, WV and I explained the program and who was funding it. I also explained some of his background and how in the past he was told by one of his teachers that he would never be successful. At the end of my talk I heard a couple of women say “I liked his hair products”.
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