Bill’s greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers. We got our 1st ripe tomatoes in the last few days. We’ve enjoyed several cukes over the last few weeks.
Bill’s corn experiment. He planted buckwheat and crimson clover amongst the corn. It does seem to be shading out the weeds.
Poor pic of a sweet potato bed.
Self sown sunflowers with eggplant bed in the background. We’ve had the eggplant covered with gauzy fabric to protect it from flea beetles but it’s starting to flower so we’ve got to let the bee’s get to it.
This is an arch made between two raised beds with a cattle panel. We’ve planted gourds along the bottom which we hope will cover the arch.
It’s been such a crazy year so far. Started out so cold and wet we started planting way late. Then we went dramatically to high 80’s-90’s with 5-6 weeks with no rain. At this very moment it’s raining for which we are grateful. The gardens look the best they ever have at this point with every bed and garden planted and pretty well weeded thanks to a great group of volunteers. Happy 4th everyone! Sue
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