Hello Friends!!
Christina reporting from Cincinnati, Ohio’s Grow Appalachia Partner Site, Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden!! Over the past month we have been taking full advantage of the breaks between the rain showers. We have been planting seeds, pulling weeds and cleaning up the front community plot. All of our garden spaces are full and we are working on planting our two large community beds with food as soon as we clear the rubble away. The rubble is from the water tap line that was donated and installed by the city earlier in the year.
Enjoy the photos from our urban paradise!! Thanks for checking in and we will be back next month with more updates!!
Peace, Love and Garden!!
Christina, Community Garden Coordinator and Green Team Leader with Paul Mitchell the School Cincinnati
Grape vines are looking good!!
Our friends Kim and Jared helping whenever they can! We appreciate you both and are thankful we have you in the garden with us:):)
Big Brother Big Sister day in the garden!! These two planted our raised beds with herbs and a few edible flowers.
The same bed only a few weeks later and lots of rain:)
We titled this day ” Operation Bird Poo!” Our Garden Coordinator, Ali, is power washing away all the poo from the birds who sleep in the rafters at night.
Doesn’t this make you hungry just looking at it?? Yum!!
We spotted our first RED tomato of the season!!
Urban Garden to table with our fresh red currants!
Now is the time to harvest Gooseberries!
A special shout out to the Civic Garden Center and their summer interns who helped remove all the water tap rubble from the front community bed!! If you look closely you will see Greg rocking his tan Grow Appalachia t-shirt. If you would like to have a shirt like Greg’s, order them here: https://growappalachia.berea.edu/shop/
Thanks again for checking in!! Have a wonderful day!!
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