Hello everyone, hope all is well and the gardens are growing successfully. Here at LCAAHC we are growing a few new things. Well new for us, flowers being one. So far they are doing great. The sunflowers are blooming in abundance, they add color to the garden and attracts a lot of sight seers. We are anxious to see how well they will market, we have also been told that the are eatable. If any one has any knowledge or ideas, please share.
We are growing one complete high-tunnel full of cucumber. These cucumbers are specifically designed for the high-tunnel. In the previous years we have had the worst luck with getting them to grow and produce. This year our plan is to trellis them, and we planted a lot, in hope to have a big production. This is one of my personal favorite garden foods. we also plan to pickle a lot of them, plus market some.
Blueberries are another first for us. We are growing them in pots and five gallon buckets. This will make picking, and harvesting a lot easier, so we have been told. As you can see they are coming on fast as well. These are supposed to be a good market crop. Our plan is to also make blueberry jam, jelly, and pie filling. I am a fan of blueberry muffins, and blueberry pie. So no complaints here on these beautiful plants. Maybe at harvest time as the fingers will become sore. But that goes with the whole gardening process, we won’t be complaining this fall as we are eating all these tasty foods that all our hard work and sweat went into during the hot summer.
I love blueberry ANYTHING!