Bea Sias, LEAD-Logan, WV
As we all know by now, I believe SPRING has SPRUNG. It smells so good, and fresh when the grass is mowed. But, even though I work in gardening, I will tell you that I have not completed one thing in my garden. It has been tilled, but in order to have good fresh vegetables, I have to get those little plants in the ground because, but my energy is getting really low.
Gardening is good Therapy for anyone who is depressed, especially when you need something to occupy your free time or if you just want your own fresh vegetables. Healthy foods that you grow without pesticides, then you know that you don’t have to worry about a harmful spray being spray on them. That is when you know that gardening is for you.
But, I must get out today and start my garden. Every one of my neighbors will have all these good things to eat, and I won’t have anything. Also, my family depends on my garden too, I know they get vegetables out of my garden, especially when I am not home. But I plant for all of us, so we all share, however, they never offer to help.
Those good vegetables make really good things for winter, by canning and making different things to add to your meals. Everyone, uses Tomatoes, Peppers, Green Beans, and all the other good stuff. Salsa, is one thing that you can never get enough canned. But I love to can and I’m very proud of my hard labor. My Gardeners come in the office or call me all the time, and tell how well their garden is doing. I am very pleased with what they seem to be doing. Hopefully, it will get better and better.
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