Monday we planted 24ish rows of a huge variety of our saved bean seeds, 5 rows of tomatoes, 1 row of tomatilla’s, and 3 rows of peppers with about 30 of us. Whew what a night with great teamwork.
Wednesday nite we planted 14ish rows of corn and watered our new transplants and worked with the greenhouse plants.
Thursday Mark, Chris and Holly came to build a new high tunnel. Bill and I did our best to follow directions and help. Pete from Jefferson City, Tn came and helped half the day to learn all about such things. He and his wife are incorporating gardening into Renovatus Ministries program helping recovering families. It was a gorgeous day and we had a great time working together and getting to know each other. Especially fun was trying to hold the plastic on in the blowing wind, with sweaty greasy(from lunch at Frosty Mug drive-in) while Mark and Chris got the wiggle wire in. Mark, Chris, and Holly you are awesome! Thank You!!!!!!
Today we had another plant sale both at our building and the farmers market. We’ve made almost $500 selling vegetable and herb plants.
I can’t close until I whine about the fact that we’ve gone in one month from to cold and wet to garden to now too hot and dry. We need rain really really bad.
Take Care All, Sue
You all are awesome too!!!! Had a great day with you all!