Bea Sias, LEAD, Logan WV
Workshop for the May, was conducted on May 4, 2015. We discussed several things about gardening, which has been stressed over and over, “Do not plant anything that will be affected by a late frost”. What happened someone called me very “sheepish” talking that they had planted half-runner beans, and they had popped through the ground, and then the “Frost” hit. I didn’t cover them up the night before, because “Daddy” said I didn’t need to. Well, the frost got my beans, “do you any more seed?”
Peas, half runners, peppers, cabbage , broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes all tiller, fertilizer and hilled.
At the workshop, we had different types of gardeners in attendance. One was from a place where they have homes for special needs people. This is his first time gardening without his father. He told me his potatoes had not come up yet, and I said, how long have you had them planted? He said about two weeks and I watered them every day. I said no that’s too much as it has been raining quite a lot. I explained to him what to do and that I would be there to help them soon.
The gardeners, discussed what was going on with their gardens, plants, tiller or any other problems. The younger gardeners was very interested and listen to the more experienced gardeners. Needless to say, I think we will have a good year producing a lot of vegetables. Also, we will encourage people to be a part of our Farmer’s Market, they are more than welcome to sit-up a table and sell their products.
One lady makes woven baskets, one man sells hunting supplies such as, turkey calls and different tools for hunting. We ask that everyone please take part in our Farmers Market events. Our Gardeners in Logan, WV hopes that everyone has a great season for good vegetable and lots to eat, share and sell.
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