Hello everybody, this is David Cornette with Hindman Settlement School Grow Appalachia. Things are really picking up around here as we help our families get their gardens ready for the growing season. We have been distributing organic fertilizer to our participants and laying off rows in their garden beds. Furthermore, we have finally received the load of dirt we have been waiting on and have been able to put in a few raised beds!
As I mentioned last time, we have also been collaborating with several local businesses to do a small urban garden spot. The spot is in the lower parking lot shared by Community Trust Bank and the Applachian Artisan Center Dulcimer Workshop, and this week Hometown24 News station came out to film as we cleared the lot of weeds and tilled the ground. Pictured below are local Luthier and Grow Appalachia participant, Doug Naselroad, and our Grow Appalachia Field Coordinator, Bobby Perkins.
We are becoming increasingly excited as we enter the months of warm weather and bountiful harvest. We have many more families involved this year and some pretty massive garden spots, so we look forward to being even more productive than before and continuing to spread the love of gardening throughout Knott County. We also have more participants who intend to take produce to market, and we look forward to helping our relatively new farmer’s market pick up steam and continue to grow.
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