As gardeners, farmers, and other agricultural related jobs and hobbies, we take things for granted that most of the world will never have the opportunity to learn or enjoy. Most of our day to day task we carry out are done without one thought. Plant, water, feed, harvest, slaughter, preserve, all words that are more of a way of life for us than a job. The eat fresh and local movement was more of an ‘I told ya so’ than a ‘ah ha’ moment for us.

I read an article called “8 forgotten survival skills our grant grandparents used everyday.” (here is the link if you would like to read it As I read this article I couldn’t help but think, I know how to do that, or I know someone that can do that. It is a joke among my friends that if anything bad ever happens they are coming to my house! Most of the ‘forgotten’ skills that are mentions in the article are skills that we use all the time. I feel very lucky that I grew up learning how to garden, can my own food, and be very resourceful when needed.

Having the opportunity to teach others to become self sufficient is a great feeling. It’s a feeling that we are all making a world of difference in someones life.

Don’t let the most important survival skills be forgotten!