By C.R.

This post is part of our Field Notes series written by survivors of intimate partner abuse.

Well, I guess planting is not so bad due to not seeing any worms today. They must be hiding way down deep into the soil, which is a good thing for me. I never knew how relaxing working outside could be. I guess when it’s warm and the sun is shining makes a lot of difference working in the greenhouses.

My mother loved planting and seeding, weeding and growing plants. She had magic hands when it came to growing any type of plant or flower. She used to talk to her plants, and I truly believe that it made them grow.

Working outside today has taken my mind off a lot of other things that I have going on inside my head. I never really had a favorite flower but I like the elephant ear plant because of how big they grow, and you really don’t have to do too much to them. They are pretty and green and they look real good in you house or out on your patio. I do like red roses because they smell good and my favorite color is red, plus you can give them to special people in your life that you truly care for or love. You also can save them when they die off and use them for other reason’s such as making arrangements for someone’s grave site or whatever you choose to use it for.

I never knew why my mama use to talk to her plants. It sends off a signal for growing, and it also lift her spirit when she was sad or just having one of human nature’s bad days.

(The photo featured with this post is our first flower blooming this year!)