The title says it all here. We here in Breathitt County Kentucky have fought the rain battle all week. It seems like it has rained almost every day here this week and rain, while a necessity for most of our gardens, has hindered many from getting to till their gardens and get them ready for planting. We did get out Monday and get seven families gardens tilled and ready for planting. Hopefully they held up with the rain this week and will still be ready when it’s over. Many soil tests have still been rolling into the extension office and some of our cole crops will be ready to go out to the participants next week. Items for first year families (garden tools and sprayers) are starting to arrive and will be distributed next week also. On Tuesday evening, our Farmer’s Market meeting was held at RCARS. There were a few Grow Breathitt County Families in attendance however there was at least one family who couldn’t come because of flooding near or at their house. While the rain has been coming down, our program assistant has been working cutting bean poles. Our bean poles here in Breathitt County are a little different than many you may have seen. We use one pole for every four plants. We then use string to make a pyramid shape so the beans can trellis up. The poles are very sturdy and will hold many months when done correctly. We will have pictures up soon. In the mean time, we are just hoping the ground dries up and we can get our tractors in there to till soon.
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