Happy Spring from all of us here in Cincinnati, Ohio!
Over-the Rhine People’s Garden sure is happy the SUN is shining and people are moving around the garden again:) Isn’t everyone else? This year Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden is excited to announce its partnership with a great local restaurant, Buona Terra Gelato and Crepes! This summer Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden has a plan in the works to grow Spinach, Onions, Tomatoes, Basil, Bell Peppers (Red, Yellow, Green), Lavender for Buona Terra.
Buona Terra will incorporate these fresh ingredients into their menu this summer! Thanks Buona Terra!! This is a first for Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden but we are up for the challenge! But before we can grow we must have another garden clean up day. This Thursday the Paul Mitchell crew, garden participants and The Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati will meet up and finish our spring chore list. To see what we accomplish this Thursday be sure to check out our blog Friday!
This past Fall we planted Garlic from Berea, KY!
Wishing everyone a wonderful week! Check back for more blog updates too:)
Peace, Love and Gardening,
Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden
PS- Happy Birthday John Paul!!! We appreciate everything you do for our program. Wishing you a beautiful year ahead!!! Much LOVE from all of us here in Cincinnati, Ohio
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