IMG_20150409_175459Red OnionsIMG_20150409_175507 Yellow Onions


White Onions

IMG_20150411_103553  Dandelions

Yes! It is getting that time. We are starting to see signs of life! Things have been blooming like wild fire around here. Every where you look something is popping up, or sprouting new life. It is awesome! The dandelions are everywhere. The honey bee’s are just as busy as every one else, they have been all over the farm collecting pollen all this last week. I am super excited that we can finally get out of the house, and/or should I say office and play in the dirt! We have had the pleasure of getting or hands dirty the last couple of days. We have planted lettuce, well it was actually planted a few weeks ago, but we got a new delivery today so we will be planting more probably tomorrow. There are beans, cabbage, (Golden Cross & Ruby Perfection), onions (Red, Yellow, & White) in the ground. We have also got the pleasure to smell the grand aroma of our new fertilize (Chicken Poo), and the Fish, mineral oil. Yea not the sweetest smelling of things, but it’s well worth the Oder to have the production of lots of vegetables throughout this growing season.  As you can see in the photo’s our peach tree’s are blooming perfectly. Everything has just sprung into life. With all the spring life, there has to be a thrill killer. Yes, all the spring rains/thunderstorms that will put a damper on things as much as possible. We are going to stay hopeful and courageous. With the winter we endured the rains should be a piece of cake. Or at least that is how we are looking at it for now.

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                                                            Ruby Perfection                 Golden Cross

G.A Family we are embarking on another great year!!! Let get to planting and feed our Communities!!!

IMG_20150411_104113 Peach Tree’s


Happy Gardening to all & Have a Great Growing Year!


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