Greetings from St. Vincent Mission in David, KY! This is S. Ann Marie Quinn here at the computer. It is 8:04 on Saturday evening; the sun has just set ending what was a glorious day! The task finished just before dark was removing sod, prepping the soil, and planting seven asparagus crowns; one for each of my siblings. David, the youngest of our clan, has just returned stateside with his family, after a year in France. He has acquired a taste for gourmet French cooking and “white” asparagus. I will tempt him and the others to come for a visit to experience my specialty recipe of roasted asparagus.
Volunteers from the Louisville area arrived yesterday with much energy and a wonderful array of supplies for our mission. There main task while here was to work on the construction of our “new” volunteer house. They worked until dark last night and were back at it early this morning. One of the ladies loves gardening and worked with me repotting some starts that had outgrown their containers. She also seeded a few beets and greens that would normally be sown directly in the garden, if the soil was ready. This is the “big” if, that has delayed planting of peas and so much more. This was the first day it has not rained in?? days. I am not complaining, and have great empathy for those out west who are dealing with drought.
We also were able to plant out the strawberry crowns purchased through our Floyd County Extension Office. This was doable in a framed raised bed; though wet the soil was workable. You can only imagine how good it felt to get our hands in the soil and plant these perennials!
In closing this blog I am offering each reader a challenge. See if you can guess what I use for my identification tags, both in the garden and when seeding plant starts indoors. They are recycled from something most folks would have just thrown away.
Here is a website that has some wonderful ideas for labels and tags (though mine is not included):–markers/
Happy gardening!
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