I feel like the last few weeks have been nothing but firstssss on everything! Good Spring everyone from Rural Resources in East Tennessee. Debbie, Appalachia Cares/AmeriCorps, here again to share what has been happening in our neck of the mountains. (I bet you thought I was going to say woods!) The first day of Spring was Friday, March 20, 2015. With that, came many firstsss on the farm. But, just slightly before this first day of spring, a calf sprung upon us!
We welcomed our first bouncing baby boy!
Then, we had our first sprouts and tool kits of spring:
Our first piggies of spring:
Our very first French Angoras:
Our first teen home garden was tilled!
Our very first garden, with rocks! My first time this season getting tossed this way and that as I tilled the garden. Oh, and my first picture pose from a teen! She is waiting for her first plants to go in here in the next couple weeks! They are still growing in the greenhouse but getting very close to planting time.
The first cooking classes of the year! This group, Food Commanders, had to struggle with anxiety and learn patience this winter. It seemed like old man winter would not give them a break. Every class that was scheduled was canceled for snow and ice. Well, spring put a spring in our steps as we had back to back classes on jerky, soup stocks, soups, stuffed burgers, yogurt, butter, noodles, cheese, and ice cream makings! The teens were worn out by the 3rd day of 5! (Shhhh… I was wore out by the second day.) We enjoyed learning and making so much wonderfully home-grown food. I will have withdrawals as I do not see this group again till May, but do not fret for me! I will keep them extremely busy till September with cooking, canning, food demonstrations, catering activities, and gardening! They will feel like we are one big family after meeting two or three times a week! We may all know each others deepest darkest secrets by the end of all this “US” time!
Bring on the summer of activities, don’t worry I will only get some grey hairs. Until then, back to getting tossed around with the tiller to get those gardens in and growing these young minds into tomorrows future! Check back next week as I share how to make some very yummy yogurt! Yep, I was able to try some of it, and from a non-yogurt fan, it was amazing!!! And you never know what other surprises may happen between now and then that I may be sharing as well. Keep on looking out for your firstsss of the season!
Love all your cute new little critters! 🙂