Today the four of us met to clean, wash and sterilize our planting cells and trays. We had quite an assembly line going don’t you think? Last Saturday a group of us met and cleaned out our main greenhouse then Bonnie sprayed it with bleach water to get it ready for planting. We also got the other greenhouse weeded and watered. We have lettuce, tat soi, brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, and kohlrabi growing in there. Bonnie and I both took enough broccoli home for dinner. YUM
We’ve had two meetings so far to start planning. We mostly talked seeds, assignment of raised beds, classes we want, work strategies and what not.
I put in our main seed order this week. We ordered the bulk of them from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange. We got some things from High Mowing and Johnny’s. One of the things we are making a supreme effort with is tomatoes that have resistance to early and late blight. No one has many but SESE had the most and High Mowing had a couple too. So this yrs big experiment will be if that helps.
In the next few weeks we plan to get the blackberries, raspberries and fruit trees trimmed back. In early february we will be planting onions and maybe a few cold crops from seed in the greenhouse.
That’s it for now, take care all! Sue
oh Wow! I haven’t even had a chance to start thinking about this next growing season. Although I am enjoying the Kale and Spinach in my covered raised bed.
Now you have me motivated and dreaming of warmer days and a HOPEFULLY abundant harvest!