Greetings from Scott County! Tom here – reporting on winter garden planning. Okay, for the past few weeks our hands have remained mostly clean, but that doesn’t mean that our work in the gardens is over. We should be doing our fall clean up…
and planning next year’s lay out.
Learn from Past Experience:
What worked well for us, what worked great? What didn’t work well, and why not? Think about the location of plants, the amount of sun, the soil conditions, the amount of moisture received. Do the plants need rotating?
Learn from Other Gardeners:
Don’t hesitate to contact your extension agent or people who have more experience in the area of gardening. We learn by talking to others and asking questions. The more we talk to others and visit other gardens, the better we will be at planning our own. Sometimes we learn good ways to do something and sometimes we learn about things that don’t work well.
Lastly, some seeds are not always available locally and need to be ordered well in advance, especially if you plan on potting them. Have you saved seeds from this year’s crop? Let others know what you have and if you are willing to trade or sell any of them..
Tom Zdanio
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