-Bea Sias-Grow Appalachia Logan WV
This is October 2, 2014.
I was listening to the news and weather this morning before getting ready for work, and I actually heard the weather man predict snow flurries for Sunday, October 5th.This means Friday, it is supposed to turn cold, with rain and freezing temperatures. It also supposed to frost in some parts of the state. That means that all those tulip bulbs and other bulbs has to be in the ground very soon. I do not have my tulip bulbs in the ground, in fact, I haven’t even bought them.
Also, all those good greens in the garden, like collard, Kale and Mustard will so be ready to harvest, along with the potatoes, turnips and sweet potatoes. This will be the last , which means that the majority of the garden season is over, so just sit back and enjoy all the hard work you have put into your garden. Enjoy all the good dishes you can make with all those vegetables that you have canned or frozen.
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