Bea Sias- Grow Appalachia Logan, West Virginia
I am currently working out of LEAD Community Org. Office. LEAD has recently moved into a much larger office because we out grew the previous one. This office will provide me more space for my work with gardens and for my supplies. The new office we are in now was formally an old Post Office located at Cora, WV. We’ve done a lot of work to this building and we can now finally call it our new beginning. I will have enough room in the back yard to put my plants outside.
Hopefully next season I will be able to grow a small garden in the area we have out back for our office. I hope I will be able to have more people wanting to plant gardens in the coming spring. I had several gardeners this year that has never gardened before and they ended up having really amazing gardens! I am so proud of my gardeners this season.
I am sending a few pictures of our office and the yard out back so you can see where, hopefully, my garden will be located. It won’t be too long before we start working on our vegetables again so it is time to get all of the weeds out of your garden and fertilizing your ground.
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