Greetings from HEP. Lori here. We here at HEP want to thank David Cooke for sharing the Goat Milk Workshop flyer with us. This weekend, 4 of us loaded up and went to this workshop at Slate Woods Farm in Winchester, KY. It was awesome! The instructors Kathy Jones and Bonita Adams were just wonderful.
We got there a little early and were looking around the farm before the classes started. We saw the Nubian Goats that Kathy has, they were friendly and enjoyed the scratches to their heads. One wanted to chew on my hand a bit, but it was gentle about it.
The first lesson was on how to make Chevre cheese and 30 minute mozzarella. It was really interesting and was so much easier to do than I thought it would be. I didn’t know that you could make mozzarella from goats milk.
The second lesson was how to make goats milk soap and laundry powders. I make glycerin soap, and learning another way to make soap was great for me. The laundry soap portion was hands on, and you can bet I will be doing that a lot.
Lunch was fantastic. Goat milk cheese was the featured item on the lunch menu. I have never eaten goat cheese before so I was kind of worried I wouldn’t like it. Let me tell you, everything was delicious. The lasagna was the best I’ve ever eaten. I had a piece of what I thought was regular cake for desert, it turned out to be cheesecake made with the chevre cheese. I dislike cheesecake immensely, or I thought I did. That stuff was the bomb.
The whole lunch was produced from the things on the farm, the salad, devilled eggs, lasagna, breads, cheesecakes, everything.
Farm to table is what it’s all about!
We got to talking to another lady there that was taking the class, and she raises Nigerian Dwarf goats, and sells them as well. We will soon be the proud owners of a starter herd, at a great price; a buck and 3 doe for $350.00. I am working on begging the cash right now. Our intentions are to use the goats for milk to produce the cheeses, soaps and other things. This will be a great fundraising opportunity for us, and will also provide things that aren’t readily available in our area.
This was one 5 hour one way drive that was well worth the trip. I think as many times we have been to various places in Kentucky over the past 2 years, we just need to win the lottery and buy a home there in a central location and save money on hotel rooms.
And another thanks goes to Candace for saving my butt and getting me back into my blog. Windows 8 is not my friend.
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