Now that summer is almost over, we’ve been working on getting our gardens ready for fall and winter. As plants are finished producing in the community garden we’ve been cleaning out the plots and sowing cover crop seeds. Weeds have been a big problem this year and we’re thinking it’s because the cover crop wasn’t tilled in soon enough back in the spring. We really need the cover crop for the soil, but we have to make sure to till it in time next year. We still have some plants growing in the community garden, such as squash, carrots, okra, and pumpkins. I’m so excited to see the pumpkins! We’re going to continue growing some vegetables like carrots, beets, and greens in the raised beds throughout the fall.
We want to keep our ASPI demonstration garden growing as much as we can this winter. We’ve planted some fall crops like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage in the garden. We also have a high tunnel and a small greenhouse which expands our options for growing in the fall and winter. There are some green beans growing in the greenhouse, and we still have to clean out the high tunnel from the summer crops to plant some more crops. Now I need to do some research to see what the high tunnel can grow through the fall and winter.
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