Bea Sias-Grow Appalachia, Logan County West Virginia.

We only have a few weeks remaining for the summer to get the last of all those fresh vegetables out of our gardens. Of course, we still need to dig our potatoes and store them in a cool dry place. Sweet potatoes are not quite ready, but they will be good for the Holidays. I know a lot of people who always have good luck with sweet potatoes, but we never tried to raise them. Also,  I cannot forget about turnips, I love turnips. I also love turnip greens cooked with some fresh kale greens. The tops of turnips will make very delicious dishes for eating also, for different recipes.

One of LEAD's Grow Appalachia Participant

One of Logan county’s Grow Appalachia Participant, during the summer.

When the days get chilly, a good pot of vegetable soup will taste good with all those vegetables you have harvested. It will be so good you will forget the hard work and hot days you spent in the heat. Also all those potatoes make really good potato soup. Having good clean food, always makes you grateful for what you have and worked so hard to achieve.

