We are in the final weeks of productivity from our summer garden here at the Hindman settlement school. The corn has been picked and the beans have turned yellow and brown on the vines, but we are enjoying a late harvest of bell peppers and our long-anticipated tomatoes have finally begun to ripen.
But just because these plants are dying doesn’t mean we are through with growing for the year. The raised beds are already loaded with seeds for our fall crop and we are eagerly watching them sprout! As you can see below. we have our fall beans starting to grow just after we finished harvesting our volunteer white half runners.
In our fall garden, we are also growing snow peas, broccoli, carrots, leeks, and lettuce. We are also growing some neat types of greens, as you can see in the pictures below of our incoming swiss chard and red giant mustard greens:
Everything is still small at the moment but it is always exciting to see the daily progress of these fledgling plants. Here’s to hoping for another season of productivity and a healthy harvest!
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